Results of the 3rd quarter 2016

Friday 28 October 2016


Results Q3

Amundi's performance at the end of September 2016 is in line with the objectives announced at the time of the IPO, both in terms of inflows and income.

Amundi's assets under management were €1,054bn at 30 September 2016, reflecting strong business activity (inflows of +€39.1bn over the first nine months)1 and a positive market effect (+€21.7bn) and scope effect (+€8.6bn connected to the addition of KBI GI to the consolidation scope on 29 August 2016)2.

The first nine months of 2016 illustrate that Amundi is capable of delivering consistent performance, quarter after quarter, despite a market environment still marked by strong risk aversion on the part of our clients. 

Yves Perrier, CEO

Over the 3rd quarter 2016, Amundi recorded a significant increase in net income Group share (+14.2% compared to the third quarter of 2015). Net revenue was up (+5.1%), and the cost/income ratio improved (-1.1pp) to 52.2%.

To get further information about Amundi’s results, go to our Corporate Website


2 Assets under management (including assets marketed) and net inflows include 100% of assets managed by and net inflows from joint ventures, excluding Wafa in Morocco, for which assets under management and net inflows are reported on a proportional consolidation basis.