It's all about confidence: assessing the risks worth taking

In the aftermath of last year's global inflation surge and the subsequent tightening of monetary policies, the economic outlook now looks increasingly fragmented. 
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IT - Fed to Commence its Easing Cycle
09/17/2024 Investment Talks

Fed to Commence Its Easing Cycle

The US Federal Reserve will begin its easing cycle this month, capping a remarkable period of restrictive monetary policy that has not been experienced since the early 1980s. The tighter policy stance has helped cool inflation and moderate economic activity. Now, the Fed hopes to ease off the policy brake in a way that preserves continued disinflationary progress towards its long-term 2% inflation target while also supporting their second mandate of "maximum employment". In this note, we highlight the uniqueness of this monetary policy cycle, how financial markets are anticipating significantly more policy easing than seen in recent easing cycles, and the financial market implications.

Sept2024 Cross Asset
09/17/2024 Cross Asset

Japanese yen: what's next?

A series of weak US data in July questioned the market narrative of a soft landing and brought back fears of recession. The rise in the July unemployment rate to 4.3% (latest reading in August is 4.2%) triggered a significant market concern about a possible weaker-than-expected US labor market, raising the risk of an impending recession. We do expect a significant slowdown of the US economy, but not a recession. We expect a significant deceleration in the next few quarters, consistent with a broader weakening of many labor market indicators.

09/16/2024 Investment Talks

Passive to Active: Words of Wisdom from Ted Lasso

Passive strategies have generally have fared well over the past decade, which has made it easy to forget the long periods during which active managers outpaced passive approaches. The reasons we believe market concentration will decline include (1) a shrinking earnings advantage for the top ten companies, and (2) seemingly unsustainably high valuations. We believe investors may benefit from investing with active managers that thoughtfully select their exposure based on the earnings and valuation profile of each stock.

*Prior to March 15, 2024, Amundi Funds Pioneer US Bond, Amundi Funds Pioneer Income Opportunities, Amundi Funds Pioneer US Short Term Bond, Amundi Funds Pioneer Global Equity, Amundi Funds Pioneer US Equity Fundamental Growth

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