RC - 2021.12 - Circular Economy - The automotive sector - slider
Thematic Paper 13.12.2021 The wheels of a Circular Economy go round and round - N°2 The automotive sector: ready to step up a gear

The automotive sector has known a deep transformation over the last two decades. First, because the EU legislation has pushed automakers to better treat end-of-life vehicles by imposing high recycling, reusing and recovering rates. Secondly, because the fight against climate change and the rise of electrification are questioning the whole business-model and thus, companies have to reinvent themselves.

More 5 to 10 minutes
Thematic Paper 8.12.2021 The wheels of a Circular Economy go round and round - N°1 The time of Circular Economy has come

At Amundi, we consider that the Circular Economy is a change of economic model that allows to produce sustainable consumer goods, while protecting nature - by giving it time to regenerate - and ensuring the well-being of individuals.

More > 10 minutes
Thematic Paper 20.10.2021 ESG Thema #4 - Investing in the Circular Economy: Closing the loop

Circular Economy can be defined as an economic system of trade and production which, at all stages of the product lifecycle, aims to increase the efficiency of resource use and reduce environmental impact while developing the well-being of individuals.

More > 10 minutes

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